Analytical Testing Solutions

Analytical testing is the process of evaluating and verifying the quality and safety of products in industries such as food, drugs, and cosmetics. It is essential for ensuring compliance with regulations from Health Canada, the FDA, and EFSA. Each regulatory authority has specific guidelines for analytical testing, and understanding how to meet these requirements effectively is crucial for market success. 


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Why Is It needed?

Analytical testing is mandatory for many products, especially in the food, drug, and cosmetic sectors. Regulatory bodies like Health Canada, the FDA, and EFSA require this testing to ensure that products are safe, effective, and of high quality before they can be marketed and sold to consumers. 

Key aspects include:

Who Needs Analytical Testing?

Analytical testing is critical for a wide range of industries and stakeholders. If your business operates in any of the following sectors, analytical testing is essential: 

Types of Analytical Testing

Regulatory agencies like the FDA, Health Canada, and EFSA recommend various types of analytical testing to ensure products are safe and effective for use. These include: 

Chemical Analysis

Determines the concentration of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Stability Testing

Evaluates how a product’s efficacy and safety change over time under various conditions.

Risk Assessment of Contaminants

Tests for chemical hazards such as mycotoxins or pesticide residues.

Microbiological Testing

Detects and quantifies microorganisms in food products.

Bioavailability Studies

Assesses how well a drug is absorbed and utilized by the body.

Nutritional Analysis

Ensures that food products meet nutritional labeling requirements.

Physical Testing

Assesses the physical properties of drugs or food products, such as dissolution rates or texture.

Contaminant Testing

Detects residues of pesticides, heavy metals, or other contaminants in food products.

Food Authenticity Testing

Verifies that food products are genuine and not fraudulent.

Need Help?

Analytical testing is a complex, resource-intensive process that demands specialized scientific expertise, advanced statistical analysis, and a deep understanding of regulatory guidelines from authorities like Health Canada, the FDA, and EFSA.  

With over 18 years of experience and a proven track record of helping more than 2,000 brands achieve regulatory approval, GRAS experts are here to provide the precise support you need. We guide you through every step of the testing process, helping you secure final approval and achieve your business growth goals. 

If you have any questions or need more information, please fill out the form below and submit. 

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