EFSA Traditional Food Application

Traditional foods are those that have been a regular part of the diet for many people in at least one non-EU country for at least 25 years. These foods can include plants, microorganisms, mushrooms, seaweed, animals including insects and other species like water chestnuts.

The EFSA Traditional Food Application is the process by which these foods are assessed and authorized by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for sale in the European Union (EU). Securing this approval is essential for introducing and selling traditional foods in the EU market. 


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Why Do You Need it?

If you want to introduce traditional foods from non-EU countries into the EU market, you must submit a Traditional Food Application to EFSA. This requirement applies to: 

Submitting a Traditional Food Application is mandatory for anyone seeking to legally market traditional foods in the EU. 

EFSA Traditional Food Application Process

The EFSA Traditional Food Application process is designed to ensure that traditional foods meet EU safety standards before they are sold in the market. Here’s how the process works: 

Submit Your Application

Prepare and submit a detailed dossier to EFSA, including comprehensive information about the traditional food, such as its production process and safety history. 

EFSA Safety Review

EFSA conducts a thorough review of the application to ensure that the traditional food complies with EU safety standards.

Public Consultation

During the review process, EFSA may open the application for public input to gather a wide range of perspectives on the food’s safety and use. 

Risk Assessment:

EFSA assesses the potential health risks associated with the traditional food, examining factors like toxicity, allergenicity, and overall safety.

Scientific Decision

Based on the safety and risk assessment results, EFSA makes a scientific decision regarding the food’s safety. 

EU Decision

The European Commission uses EFSA’s scientific opinion to draft a legal proposal for the approval of the traditional food. 

Final Approval

If approved, the traditional food can be legally sold in the EU market, ensuring it meets all safety and regulatory requirements.  

How we can help

Navigate the complex regulatory landscape with confidence and ensure your product’s safety and market readiness with GRAS Experts.  

Decades of Experience

We’ve been doing this for over 18 years, with over 2,000 happy clients!

Fast & Efficient

No time to waste! We help you get to the market quickly without compromising quality.

Custom Solutions

Every ingredient is unique, and so is our approach. We tailor our services to your specific needs.

Accurate & Reliable

Safety is our top priority. We make sure your ingredients meet all the requirements.

Reduced Risks

Avoid costly delays, fines and potential product recalls with our expert guidance.

Long-Term Support

Regulations can change. We’ll keep you compliant for the long haul.

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